Clean Political Jokes

clean political jokes,government is corrupt

In a world where many live under oppression, clean political jokes can not only lighten the heart, but show the rest of the free world how insane political control actually is.

Here's a story to tickle your funny bone!

Clean Political Jokes:
Political Humor (Tongue in Cheek)

In a third-world country, an incensed man was on a soapbox in the middle of the city yelling in a loud voice - "THE GOVERNMENT IS CORRUPT! I TELL YOU, THE GOVERNMENT IS CORRUPT!!"

Suddenly the storm troopers came and began to drag the man away (I'm certain either to prison or to hang in the gallows).


One of the storm troopers replied, as they continued to drag him away, "YOU KNOW THERE'S ONLY ONE CORRUPT GOVERNMENT AROUND HERE!"

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Conservative Political Humor


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